Just the right place for you, Redefining Healthy Living!
Plant-based for Holistic Health
Shobha Swamy is very passionate about health and wellness. After 25 years in the Automotive Engineering field, she discovered her passion to regain vibrant health through food choices and has since changed her career. She is now certified in Plant Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, Cornell University. She is also a certified Food for Life instructor through the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. She actively promotes switching to minimally processed, nutritionally dense, plant based diets. Shobha takes a holistic approach to nutrition, wellbeing and promoting permanent lifestyle changes in individuals and organizations, to build stronger healthier communities. She advocates for taking our health into our own hands through this simple and easily accessible way of eating to prevent and reverse chronic diseases, instead of resigning ourselves to hereditary factors.
She teaches cooking classes with Dr. Jennifer Rooke at Morehouse School of Medicine, Food For Life Classes in the Alpharetta Area and at area Hospitals, Community Centers, and Organizations.
She is also a Field Educator with the Ethical Choices Program, a non-profit organization offering educational presentations to high school and college students, which primarily address issues related to food choices and the impact of these choices on the planet and its inhabitants.
Committed to holistic healing, Shobha is also a certified Yoga and Meditation Instructor and conducts Yoga and Meditation classes from her home in Alpharetta.

Shobha Swamy
Four Pillars of Healthy Living
More about Shobha Swamy
Having been born and raised a vegetarian in India, Shobha has been adept at consuming plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains from a very young age. However her diet included dairy and small amounts of eggs, as popular with most vegetarians.
When her daughters watched the movie Food Inc. in high school and decided to give up all animal products, Shobha set forth to do her own research about the pros and cons of removing animal products from their diet. Her pursuit led her to evidence based scientific research and published peer reviewed articles in major medical journals about the power of plants to reverse and reduce risk of chronic lifestyle illnesses, like Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Auto-Immune Diseases, and many more.
Shobha switched her diet to a Plant Based Nutrition plan and found that her energy and vigor as well as mental focus and concentration was greatly improved. Her family reaped the same benefits. Her husband and 75 year old mother too saw their pain from arthritis diminish, small aches and pains in the joints disappear, energy levels improve, and began to live more vibrant, active, productive lives.
From enjoying such major health benefits, Shobha was motivated to help others reap similar benefits.She earned a certification in Plant Based Nutrition from Cornell University through the T Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. She is also certified to teach cooking classes with emphasis on nutritive value of food through the FOOD for LIFE Program offered by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Footer.
Join me live from the comfort of your own home for fun, hands-on classes that cover everything from how to prevent and reverse chronic disease, to nutrition essentials, to how to create your very own nutritious, delicious, plant-based meals!
Meal Service
Our meal service is home cooked, and 100% whole food plant based. We provide you with delicious, nutritionally complete meals with uncompromising flavor.
Indigenous foods are highly reliant on plants, and can easily be made entirely whole foods, plant based. Enjoy these dishes, Share with friends and family, join my cooking classes & rejoice in vibrant health! Healthy Eating!
Plant Based Nutrition
For basics on Plant Based Nutrition, its benefits for a vibrant and active living.
Learn from Shobha Swamy
Shobha Swamy offers monthly classes to showcase adopting this way of eating. She is currently offering cooking demonstrations, informational nutrition classes, public speaking, and private and family consultations. Shobha educates, and helps people regain their health through food. Please contact her for a speaking engagements or a series of classes for your organization or group.
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